Friday, October 2, 2009

Stuck Off Cape????

I am in the hustle and bustle of a different life.  I am in what I call the city.  Close enough, Newton.  I came up to take part in a voice class and have an oil change and I found out that my car is broke.  Needs a whole exhaust system.  Soooo what do ya do?  I jump in the river, and go with the flow.  I got time to spend with my Dad, and looked at buildings that are very rare to the Cape, at least in the volume they are accustomed to in Newton.  I love the air, and the busy-ness of this area.  It is such a town feeling and everything is easily reached.  The plants are all in transition, not quite fall, though it is most defiantly here.  I do miss being home and the warm sun heating up my living room, and getting my son off the bus.  But I can appreciate where I am and take the opportunity be with my dad and Dodi in there home, while I wait for news on Ingrid.  That would be my car. Ingrid.
Ingrid Zackemfroid.....if you have to ask.....I am happily nuts.  So to say I am stuck here,off Cape... am I really stuck?  I guess I needed to be here.  Love peace and all that fuzzy stuff - nan

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