Thursday, September 10, 2009

Which direction....

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. The vacuum is running, I am sitting under artificial lights, and the conversations swirling around me are nothing to do with my existence. This is not the organic life. But it is my life. I am at my place of work and it is a garden center. I am not on the clock for all you people (like myself) who are overly ethical.

This is a strange place for someone who loves the outdoors. My job has transitioned into more of a desk thing (oh ick). Not a place I would have said I'd be 10 years ago.

It takes all types of jobs to make the world right. I personally can see myself raising goats, or herbs or both. Or maybe I could live off wages made by selling my art work..... but my stuff isn't hung on walls, unless it is used in a fight to be a projectile.

I guess I am floating, but who isn't. I still feel like I'm onto something big. Like I will walk into my life's passion or goal. I have felt this way for a long time....hmmmm, maybe I'm too optimistic? Is there such a thing.

Very chaotic, my writing is. That would be my best attempt at YODA, who by the way I believe is very Buddha like to me.

I will be back, and not every day but when life gives me the opening. Now I must go pick up my other life's work, my son( she says as she skips to the parking lot).

Namaste' nan

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