Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It has been a while since the last time I wrote. There is a story brewing in my mind and I feel I need to write it. This has happened quite often in my life and I never have jumped on it. But something is pulling me in this direction now. People I talk with, literature sent to me, books falling at my feet. Is there a power greater than us all trying to tell me something? Will it need to slug me over the head and say"Hey stupid, Yeah you! You need to write that stuff down, what more of a sign do you need? geesh".....And I reply with, "maybe a burning bush wouldn't be so out of the question"??? she says with a Jewish lilt.

We all have a voice, and some of us hear voices, present company not excluded. But it is what we do with that voice that can change just a second in time. Some of the tapes that play in my head are always telling me that I'm not good enough, that I would be embarrassed to express a thought out loud. It's a good thing I tell those voices to f____themselves these days. But those little buggers let just enough dought in to delay reaction, pausing long enough to lose momentum and continue the cylcle of defeatism.

I don't want to do that anymore to myself. If a friend told me that someone said those things to her I'd want to go beat them up. So why is it OK for me to do that to myself! We all do it! How do we stop this process?

I think with support of a good friend and teaming up together to challenge ourselves is a good start. And that is something I am going to do. I will check out the writers workshops and go with my friend who is willing to explore the idea of writing also. What the heck do I have to lose? NOTHING! Life is short, wear your party pants!